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40 Richards Ave
Norwalk, CT, 06854
United States




Monthly Fee charged per Provider (‘Provider’ is defined as any person whose standalone patient services are billable by the practice)

Our NetsUP TM Agreement is a monthly support plan designed to establish ACCA as your one-stop “I.T. Department” and trusted Technology Adviser.  The NetsUP TM allows you to focus on improving patient-care and building profitability back into your practice without the costly, time-consuming distractions of managing technology.

Our Value Proposition:

Pro-Active vs. Reactive – A technology outage doesn’t just cost money to fix, it costs money to endure.  Staff down-time, patient impatience, and practice liabilities accrue with each minute that passes without access to crucial data or processes.  As your technology partner, we give your network systems a monthly ‘checkup,’ identifying risks weeks or months before they become tangible problems. We are committed to help you address and correct system issues before they impact practice productivity.

Help Desk – We’re here to help.  In most cases, we can fix the problem or answer the question within minutes through remote access to your systems.

No Music-On-Hold – NetsUP TM customers use our popular SOS system. The user simply clicks the SOS icon on his / her computer desktop and types a question or notification of an issue. A qualified ACCA staff-member calls back, generally within ten minutes or less, to address and fix the issue.

Monthly Check-Up:

Once per calendar month, a ACCA technician will perform a remote visit to each practice system to perform monthly proactive SERVER and WORKSTATION maintenance as follows:

•   Verification of Backups

•   Disk Space Management

•   Maintain recoverable images

•   Update HIPAA network documentation     

•   Antivirus Management

•   Anti-Spyware management

•   Check appropriate logs for errors

•   Maintain Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

Regular Service Hours:    Monday thru Friday 8a-6p EST.  Additional hours available by appointment.

Software Utilization Support:

“Software Utilization Support” is defined as support questions regarding the operation, configuration, or backup of a specific application (ex: “The program is open, how do I..?”) or troubleshooting errors generated by an application (as opposed to Operating System errors, which are categorized as “Network Issues”).  Applications covered under Software Utilization Support include:

·  Practice Management (PMS) Software

·  Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Software

·  Practice Accounting Software

·  Third-party add-ons to PMS or EMR

·  Image Management Software

·  Database Middleware

·  Internet Browsing Tools

·  eMail Software

· Practice Website Software

Available at discount-rate with this Support Agreement:

·         Software Patches

·         Database Repair & Maintenance

·         Software Training

·         Remote Access Setup

·         Custom Report Creation

·         EMR Customization & Configuration

·         Electronic Claims Tech Support

·         Hardware / Software Installation

·         Software Version Upgrades                       (may require license purchase)

Rate Card 2001.PNG

There is a two-hour minimum charge for any services requiring an on-site visit.  If an issue is due to the physical abuse of equipment, third-party modifications, telecom failure, force majeure, or peripherals/software added by someone other than a ACCA Technician, ACCA will charge $150/hr (NetsUP TM customer) or $200/hr (non-NetsUP TM customer) to repair the issue.  Discount “With This Agreement” rates do not apply for after-hours or weekend/holiday services.  Hourly rates are subject to change upon 30 days written notice to the customer

Term of Agreement

This Service Agreement will be for a 12 month term that commences upon receipt of the first month’s fee.  After the initial 12 months, this agreement will continue until modified or terminated by written notice from either the Customer or ACCA.

Fee Schedule

Each monthly fee, plus applicable taxes, will be charged to the customer’s credit card on the first business day of the calendar month to which the fee applies.  Additional service fees (as detailed in the tables above) will be charged to the customer’s credit card as completed, and detailed on a monthly statement issued the first business week of each month.  Projects (significant changes to Customer’s infrastructure) will be handled on an individual basis, and billed separately from this agreement, as per a duly prepared Statement of Work (SOW) approved by the Customer.


The Customer is responsible for all software licensing as required by software licensing agreements.

Existing Warranty

All existing hardware and software warranties are between the Customer and the Customer’s respective vendors.  ACCA is in no way responsible for warranty issues that may arise.  The Customer acknowledges that in the course of facilitating this Agreement, ACCA may provide hardware and / or software outside existing warranty parameters.


Consumables: This Service Agreement does not cover consumables, such as toner, ribbons, drums, developer, ink cartridges, and batteries.  Printers, keyboards, monitors, and mice are also excluded from this agreement as is any other peripheral device.

Laptop / Tablet Computers:  ACCA will service network and software issues on Laptop / Tablet Computers but will not perform any hardware maintenance, hardware upgrades, or hardware repairs on said computers that involves disassembly or modification of the physical unit.   Minor module replacements of said computers may be  performed by ACCA technical staff under separate Customer agreement and billed separately from this agreement, as per a duly prepared Statement of Work (SOW) approved by the Customer.

Proprietary Hardware or Software:  ACCA does not service proprietary hardware or software applications.  If ACCA must communicate with a third-party hardware/software vendor, or subcontract a specialist, there may be additional charges to the Customer.  ACCA will not service or modify hardware or software belonging to or licensed to other vendors.


This Service Agreement is not a warranty or insurance policy, and is not intended to create or limit any implied warranties concerning a product that may or may not exist under applicable law.  Under no circumstances, shall ACCA be liable for indirect, consequential, or incidental damages (including damages for lost profits, business interruption, loss of data, and the like) even if any party has been advised of the possibility of such damages, in excess of the previous 12-months’ average single-monthly fee paid by the Customer.

This agreement is to remain in full force and effect until written notification of its termination from either the Customer, or ACCA has been delivered.  As of the date of such delivery, this agreement will remain in full force and effect for an additional 60 days so as to afford both parties a reasonable opportunity to transfer network documentation, passwords, and relevant data with as little impact to the Customer environment as possible.

The Customer has the right to stop payment of a credit card charge by notification to ACCA at such time as to afford ACCA a reasonable opportunity to act on it prior to charging the account listed herein.  After the account has been charged, Customer has the right to have the amount of an erroneous debit immediately credited to the account by ACCA, provided Customer sends written notice of such debit entry in error to ACCA within 15 (fifteen) days following issuance of the account statement or 45 days after posting, whichever occurs first.